How did your journey at NC Associates begin and what has it been like since?
I have previously worked for a number of small to large recruitment agencies, but I have always been entrepreneurial having had a couple of businesses prior to coming into recruitment, so I took the leap in May 2016. The journey has been great although it is tough at times, but I love what I do and I take great pleasure in watching the business grow and see our consultants become very successful.
Why do you enjoy working in recruitment?
Recruitment is like marmite, you either love it or hate it! I absolutely love coming in to work knowing that each day will be different. I love helping to find job opportunities for people, especially in this current market as it’s really tough. That’s why I still recruit and still get the same buzz now as I did when I started.
What is your proudest professional moment?
One standout moment would be when NC Associates was nominated for several recruitment accolades over the past few years and then going on to win them! I’m also really proud of setting up my first business at the age of 21 when I was awarded a Prince’s Trust Grant.
What do you like to do in your spare time?
I like to go to the gym as this enables me to switch off for a short period of time. Another passion of mine is property. I have recently just purchased another house so quite a bit of my spare time is taken up renovating! Finally, I can’t forget my dog Bruce, you may have noticed him on our website, he likes to come into the office a few days a week! He probably takes up most of my time!
Tell us something about yourself that we wouldn’t expect
When I was 25, I set up a children’s home for children with emotional and behavioural problems with my brother, Mark.