We are committed to promoting equality of opportunity for all staff and job applicants. We aim to create a working environment in which all individuals are able to make best use of their skills, free from discrimination or harassment, and in which all decisions are based on merit.
We do not discriminate against staff or candidates on the basis of age, disability, gender reassignment, marital or civil partner status, pregnancy or maternity, race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation (protected characteristics).
The principles of non-discrimination and equality of opportunity also apply to the way in which staff treat visitors, clients, customers, suppliers and former staff members.
All of our staff have a duty to act in accordance with this policy and treat colleagues, clients and candidates with dignity at all times, and not to discriminate against or harass others, regardless of their status.
Our recruitment platforms and applicant tracking systems do not even allow the recording of data that can be used to discriminate against individuals, providing a further safeguard to the handling of candidate data.